Match Q&A

Pre-match Q&A

Parking nearby the stadium is available at the "Letenská pláň" parking park. Due to limited capacity, we recommend using public transport. The closest tram stop to the stadium is "Sparta" (50 meters), and metro station "Hradčanská" (500 meters)

It is usually not possible to buy tickets on the spot before the game and the ticket offices are usually closed. We recommend to secure tickets in advance HERE. To purchase tickets you must have a Sparta iD.

The stadium opens 90 minutes before the match. We recommend arriving early to avoid queues. The team appreciates the support of the fans during warm-up which starts 35 minutes before kick-off.

Visit the customer centre, located in the arcade of the stadium, next to entrance A. It is open two hours before the game until 15 minutes after kickoff.

You have the option to use the services of the storage room, which is located on the „Letenská pláň“ directly opposite the stadium. It is opened an hour and a half before kickoff and will close an hour after the end of the match.

All important rules can be found in the Code of Conduct HERE.

Match Q&A

Access with cameras that could be defined as "professional recording equipment" is only allowed to accredited members of the media, who may only carry the camera in designated areas.

The presence of cameras in the ownership of non-accredited persons in the stadium is forbidden fo example by UEFA, to protect the holder of the broadcasting rights. A mobile phone, unlike a camera, serves primarily as a means of communication.

Luggage that cannot be attached to the person (e.g. a hip pack) could block stairways and aisles, which are exits and evacuation routes that must remain clear throughout the game in case of an emergency evacuation. Luggage in the aisles also makes it difficult for other people to pass through.

A fan with walking crutches may block escape routes in need of an evacuation.

Stairways are important communications and evacuation passages. They must always be fully accessible during the match, for example for medical services with stretchers, firefighters with heavy equipment, etc.

This is due to the fact that the club is obliged to ensure the separation of away and home fans for security reasons, based on UEFA and LFA rules.

When leaving the epet ARENA, the ticket loses its validity; the code on the ticket or season ticket can only be retrieved once per match.

It's certainly not their responsibility. Very likely it won't happen, instead they may swap the jersey with the opponent, donate it to charity or to a family member. The fans can't feel that the sign entitles them to the jersey. It is definitely better to visit the fanshop before the game.

The Stewards has the authority to decide which item will not be allowed into the stadium. In making this decision, it takes into account the potential danger of the sector, the location of the sector and its capacity.

There may be several reasons. Unfortunately, it is possible that you have been the victim of a reseller who resold you a duplicate of ticket. In this case, the turnstile will no longer allow a second entry. The second possibility is that the ticket has been altered or is a fake. In this case, you will not be allowed to enter. The third possibility is that the organisers assess that you could potentially be considered by some of our fans in the stadium as a fan of the visiting team, in which case you will not be admitted for reasons of your own safety. All of the above options may have a common denominator of "purchasing a ticket from a third party and not directly from ACS". The terms and conditions clearly define that any resale is not allowed. The ticket can only be returned to AC Sparta. Please read the terms and conditions and avoid purchasing tickets from third parties. If the organiser decides that you will not be admitted, please leave the area around the stadium. We regret the situation, but you have been the victim of someone who oversold your ticket. The club is obliged to ensure that home and away fans are properly separated. Under no circumstances can the organiser allow more people into the stadium than the designated capacity.

Smoking, including electronic cigarettes and the use of any devices for heated tobacco is prohibited in the epet ARENA (except the areas reserved by the operator).

Notify the nearest Steward, giving a basic description of your child, your name and telephone number and where you will be staying. We will inform you as soon as your child will be found. It is also important to také notice of the stadium radio announcements. If your child does not have your phone number, we may use a local broadcasting company to spread the information.

Post-match Q&A

Contact us at

Contact us at

The system has up to 72 hours to synchronise. If you do not see the points after this time, please contact us at Complaints are possible within 5 days after the match.

You can return the returnable cups to the designated booth to get your deposit back. You can also drop them in the special boxes and support the AC Sparta Foundation or Choreofund.

Please read the Code of Conduct HERE. You will find there not only the answer to this question, but also to many others.