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Goalless draw in České Budějovice

Sparta tied 0-0


The first match without win under head coach Pavel Vrba. We have seen a 0-0 draw in České Budějovice. We did not beat Dynamo in the league for the fourth time in a row.
Head coach Pavel Vrba made only one change in the squad. Florin Nita returned to the goal instead of Milan Heča. Štetina, Minchev, Karlsson and Juliš were not ready due to health reasons. Vitík and Laco Krejčí were booked.
In the 9th minute, Hanousek crossed, LK37 headeded from the left. The ball aimed next to the right post. After three minutes, Plavšić fired from a distance, Drobný caught the ball.
The home team had the first chance in the 14th minute. Dame Diop headed over the bar after the corner.
After half an hour of play, Libor Kozák had to leave the pitch after contact with the opponent due to injury. Adam Hložek moved into the attack, new player Vindheim went on the right and Plavšić on the left side.
A moment later, Mészáros found Čavoš's head from a free kick, fortunately Čavoš missed the target.
After our mistake, Nita fouled near the box line. After a free kick, Čavoš fired in the box, his attempt was caught by our goalkeeper. So, no goals in the first half.
Five minutes after the break, Dočkal found Pavelka from the free kick. David tried a shot out of the box, unfortunately missed the right post.
In the 67th minute, we were lucky team twice. At first, Mršić hit the crossbar from a distance and a few seconds later, Mészáros hit the right post.
A moment later, Sparta could strike. Hložek shot near the penalty spot, but Drobný stopped the ball by his feet.
Sparta had a huge chance in the 84th minute. Hložek got to the box and passed to Pavelka. Unfortunately, the shot was not good and aimed out of the goal.
Then Karabec past to Trávník but he aimed just to the side net.
At the end of the match, Brandner went around Hanousek and hit the right post of our goal. Even a three-minute added time was goalless.
SK Dynamo České Budějovice – AC Sparta Praha 0:0
YC: Diop – Nita. Referees: Berka – Blažej, Flimmel.
Budějovice: Drobný – Novák, Havel, Talovierov, Skovajsa – Mészáros (78. Alvir), Čavoš, Javorek, Brandner (90.+2 Valenta), Mršić (90. Vais) – Diop.
Sparta: Nita – Wiesner, Čelůstka, Hancko, Hanousek – Plavšić (70. Karabec), Pavelka, LK37, Dočkal (83. Trávník), Hložek – Kozák (30. Vindheim).

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