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Draw in Budějovice

First competitive match of the year ended without goals


Sparta travelled to České Budějovice. We did not win there since 2015 and the series continues. The game ended without goals.
The first chance of the match came in the 14th minute and it was the home team. Van Buren headed next to the right post after a free kick.
The rest of the first half didn't offer much interesting moments. After half an hour, Mršić headed over after a cross from the left.
But the end of the first half belonged to Sparta. In the 35th minute Pešek crossed  to the box and Králik threatened his own goalkeeper with a header.
Two minutes later, Hložek tried a shot from the edge of the box and missed the left post!
In the 41st minute, Hložek dribbled to the box and fired. Unfortunately, he only aimed to the goalkeeper. That was all that happened in the first half and it was 0-0.
Four minutes after the break, Mihálik tried it after a cross from the left side. Fortunately, he only aimed to the right side net. Shortly after that LK37 shot from distance, Šípoš covered his shot in the middle of the goal.
In the 59th minute, Valenta headed over Sparta goal after a corner kick. Then Sparta threatened. Pešek finished from a sharp angle, but Šípoš controlled the situation.
Six minutes later Sparta lost the ball in the middle of the field and Mihálik chop Holec. Domino controlled the situation and the ball ended up over the goal.
In the 74th minute, Hora's hard shot from distance was stopped by Holec.
The match didn't show any more and the first league match of the year ended goalless.
SK Dynamo České Budějovice - AC Sparta Praha 0-0
YC: Hora – Pavelka. Referees: Černý – Nádvorník, Podaný.
Budějovice: Šípoš – Čolić, Králik, Havel, Skovajsa – Van Buren, Hora, Škoda, Valenta, Mršić (90. Vais) – Mihálik (90.+2 Brandner).
Sparta: Holec – Wiesner, Panák, Čelůstka, Polidar – Pešek (75. Minčev), Sáček (65. Pavelka), LK37, Dočkal (75. Karabec), Haraslín (90. Patrák) – Hložek.

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