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3-1 over Pardubice

Home victory


Sparta won the home game against Pardubice 3-1. LK37 opened the score, Minchev and Haraslín increased in the last ten minutes.
Sparta head coach Pavel Vrba sent Milan Heča in goal for the first time in the league since May 29 2021. Dávid Hancko, who has recovered, returned as a centre-back. LK37 was available in the midfield after a card penalty expired. Tomáš Čvančara started as a striker.
Sparta had a big chance in the second minute. Karabec crossed the ball to Hložek. He was alone in front of Markovič, but unfortunately he did not beat the Pardubice goalkeeper.
Seven minutes later, Hložek sent the ball from the left wing to the box. Pešek was close to the penalty spot and shot. But goalkeeper saved the ball.
In the 23rd minute Vitík was close to score his first goal in red! But his header was turned to a corner by the guest defence. A minute later, LK37 bicycle kick on the edge of the box, but unfortunately missed the target.
After half an hour of play, Čvančara got the ball in the box and quicky shot. Unfortunately, the ball went right at Markovič.
Immediately after that Karabec got a great ball and run to the box. He tried to chop the goalkeeper. Unfortunately, he did it with the crossbar also.
In the 40th minute came a huge chance. Hložek's crossed and found Čvančara near the penalty spot. He immediately fired. But close to Markovič which had no problem. The first half ended 0-0.
The first half ended 0:0.
In the 57th minute, we were lucky. Kostka fired from a distance and hit the right post.
Three minutes later, Sparta scored. Adam Hložek sent a great cross from the left side to the LK37 head. He sent Sparta to the lead!
In the 66th minute, fantastic Heča pushed off a certain goal! He sent header by Černý to a corner from a goal line!
Four minutes later, Wiesner crossed to Čvančara, which shot and missed the right post by just a few centimetres!
In the 77th minute, we had another great chance! Dočkal run on the left side and crossed passed to Čvančara. He tried it from the volley and missed the right post!
In the 85th minute Haraslín sent a sharp cross to the box from the right side, Markovič just slightly touched the ball and Minchev sent it into the open net.
And a moment later it was even better. Minchev fired, one of the defenders tried to stop his shot on the goal line, but Haraslín headed the ball to the net.
Černý reduced the score. That's all, what happened and Sparta won 3-1.
AC Sparta Praha - FK Pardubice 3-1 (0-0)
Goals: 60. LK37, 85. Minchev, 89. Haraslín - 90.+2 Černý. YC: Hancko, Sáček, Vitík - Jeřábek. Referee: Sziksay - Paták, Kubr. Attendance: 6132.
Sparta: Heča - Wiesner, Vitík, Hancko, Højer - Pešek (56. Haraslín), Sáček (88. Souček), LK37, Karabec (56. Dočkal), Hložek - Čvančara (81. Minčev).
Pardubice: Markovič - Kostka, Čihák, Toml, Čelůstka - Cadu (71. Akosah-Bempah), Jeřábek (46. Matějka), Vacek, Solil, Tischler (46. Rezek) - Huf (46. Černý).

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