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Sparta with a clear victory in Teplice

Sparta won over Teplice 3-0


Sparta traveled to Teplice in the 28th round of the Czech league. It has already been the third game between these two teams this season. Spartans won the first two matches, in the cup and the league, and they wanted to continue in this series also in this match. We did not see many opportunities for scoring in the first half. Hložek performed a nice individual action in the second half and passed to Čvančara who opened the score. Vitík followed him with a great header, and Čvančara used a beautiful pass from Haraslín a few minutes later to set the final score. Sparta won 3-0 in Teplice.
Sparta’s coach Pavel Vrba made one change in the starting eleven in comparison to the last game against Ostrava. Dominik Holec replaced Milan Heča in the goalkeeper position. Heča, Panák, and Čelůstka were not available for this match due to health problems.
The majority of the first twenty minutes was played in between the penalty areas and we did not see any dangerous attempts, even though there were a few corner-kicks on both sides. We have to mention a tough shot from Boljevič in the 10th minute, but it missed a goal.
Trubač had a free-kick close to the penalty area of Sparta in the 22nd minute. Vondrášek’s header was going in the direction of Sparta’s goal, but Holec was ready and showed an important save and hit the ball to the corner kick.
Hložek with a dangerous attempt from behind the penalty area in the 43rd minute. Grigar hit the ball only in front of him where Čvančara came. However, he was not able to score in this huge chance. The side referee showed it was an offside a few seconds later.
There were no more interesting moments in the first half, and we did not see any goal in this part of the game.
Hložek showed such a beautiful individual action after which he passed to Čvančara waiting inside the penalty area. He used this opportunity and opened the score of the match in the 47th minute, 0-1.
Dočkal sent an exact pass to Vitík’s head in the 59th minute. He took this call and scored a second goal for Sparta, 0-2.
Haraslín went through a few defenders in the 65th minute on the left side and found alone Čvančara under him. Sparta’s striker easily added his second goal in this match, 0-3.
Holec had to make a save a few minutes later. However, the shot from one of the home players did not cause him a lot of trouble.
Pulkrab had a header in a good position in the 78th minute. His attempt tightly missed Grigar’s goal.
Pulkrab finished his individual performance in the 87th minute with an interesting shot. Grigar was against and hit the ball to the corner-kick.
We have seen a few corner-kicks at the end of this match, but it did not bring any bigger opportunities. Sparta took three points from Teplice after the win 3-0.
FK Teplice – AC Sparta Prague 0-3 (0-0)
Goals: 47., 65. Čvančara, 59. Vitík. Yellow cards: Tijani – Højer. Referees: Machálek – Paták, Vodrážka.
FK Teplice : Grigar – Vondrášek, Tijani, Kučera – Hyčka, Mareček (68. Nsunzu), Knapík, Boljevič (50. Kodad) – Trubač, Žák (79. Ledecký), Žitný (50. Prošek).
AC Sparta Prague: Holec – Wiesner, Vitík, Hancko, Højer – Sáček (86. Pavelka), LK37 – Pešek (64. Haraslín), Dočkal (73. Karabec), Hložek (86. Laco Krejčí) – Čvančara (73. Pulkrab).

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