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Win 2-0 over Jablonec

Štetina and Zahustel decided the match


Sparta managed the last home game of this season. We beat Jablonec 2-0 in the fourth game of the championship group, when two defenders - Lukáš Štetina and Ondřej Zahustel decided the match.
Guélor Kanga and Benjamin Tetteh returned to the line-up.
We had the first chance in the third minute. Karlsson placed the ball on Radaković’s head. His attempt was destroyed by Hanuš, which moved quickly.
The sixth minute brought another interesting moment. Zahustel took the ball to the middle of the field, prepared it for Frýdek, which fired from the long distance. The ball ended just wide.
The third chance and the first goal. It started by a corner kick, Kanga sent the ball to Štetina. Hanuš pulled out his first head but Štetina than shot and the ball ended in the net. We went to the lead!
In the 17th minute, Jablonec had a chance after the corner. Crossed ball got to the Kubista. His header ended out of the goal. Another chance for the fourth team of the league. After the cross Doležal was very close to the ball but fortunately didn’t get it.
Jablonec took over the activity, but in the 40th minute David Hovorka fouled Tetteh, which did not fall down, ended the action and missed. But referee then returned to the foul and sent off Hovorka!
We had two promising chances at the beginning of the second half and Tetteh was connected with both of them. At First, he sent the ball Kanga, which shot out of the goal. Then, after the Zahustel’s cross, Tetteh got into the chance but his shot was blocked to the corner.
The second goal came in the 57th minute. Eldar Ćivić got to the match just a moment before and prepared the goal. He sent the ball to the box and Hložek fired and the ball bounced back from Hanuš. Hložek then pushed the ball to Zahustel, which scored! 2-0 for us!
20 minutes before the end, David Moberg Karlsson had two chances in short time. Both ended outside of the goal.
Nothing more happened and Sparta celebrated 2-0 victory!
AC Sparta Praha – FK Jablonec 2-0 (1-0)
Goals: 13. Štetina, 57. Zahustel. YC: Kanga. RC: Hovorka. Referees: Houdek – Mokrusch, Pečenka. Attendance: 7 125.
Sparta: Heča – Zahustel (78. Chipciu), Radaković (88. Plechatý), Costa, Hanousek – Karlsson, Hašek, Frýdek, Kanga, Hložek – Tetteh (56. Ćivić).
Jablonec: Hanuš – Holeš, Hovorka, Kubista, Sobol – Kratochvíl, Trávník (87. Peřina), Hübschman (65. Pilík), Považanec, Jovović (78. Pleštil) – Doležal.

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