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Sparta helps Ukraine

Sparta supports Ukraine and its people


Ukraine deals with emergencies and tough times that influence all of us. Sparta understands its position within the society and wants to lead by example, therefore, we did more actions to help and support Ukraine and its people.
Sparta is against war and all forms of violence. We take our social responsibility very seriously, and we want to help as much as possible. Ukrainians incredibly suffer, people are killed, families are broken, cities are damaged, men fight and women with children leave the country and look for another place to live. Ukraine and its people need our help, and we will not let them deal with that alone.
We showed public support throughout our social media right after the conflict started. We use blue and yellow symbolism during our home games, and you can also see the organizations that work on the financial collections for Ukraine on our screens. But it was not enough for us, and we wanted to do more.
Sparta organized a unique event named “24 hours for Ukraine”. It was an online stream that started on Tuesday 15th of March at 7 p.m. on our YouTube channel and lasted for a day during which our moderators made 48 interviews with people who have been connecting their lives with our club. You could see there some of our current and also former players, coaching staff, people from our management, supporters and also famous people who were talking about their relationship to Sparta and interesting personal stories. Some of the guests, including our footballers Adam Hložek, LK37, and Dominik Holec provided their jerseys and football equipment to the auction. People could donate money throughout the whole duration of the event. The main goal was to help suffering Ukrainians and send money to concrete people in need in Ukraine. We collected 521 300 Czech crowns which equal more than 21 000 euros. We want to thank all of you who supported us.
Except for that, we sent a bus of our A-team to the borders between Slovakia and Ukraine at the same time as the event “24 hours for Ukraine” was going on. Our people brought 40 people from there – youth players from the Ukrainian team FC Minaj and their family members. They have already successfully arrived in Prague where we accommodated them in our partner hotel. Besides that, all kids will be attending school and have regular football trainings at our academy in Strahov. All of them are part of Sparta's family now, we will take care of them and will do our best to make them feel at home.
We also want to thank all of you that support Ukraine in any way. Even a small gesture counts. It is really hard to watch the situation in Ukraine and we hope it will be over soon. Ukraine, we stand with you!


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