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Draw 0:0 with Jablonec

Report from the match


Sparta played against Jablonec in black historical jerseys that reminded the 125th birthday of the club. Unfortunately, the celebration did not succeed as we all wished. Sparta controlled the game, but did not score.
Head coach Zdeněk Ščasný sent Tomáš Wiesner to the line-up for the first time in the league. Alex Chipciu moved to the right wing position.
Sparta dominated from the beginning of the match. The first chance came in the 13th minute. Plavšić shot, the ball moved from the defenders to Tetteh, but he did not score. It was corner kick after Hrubý’s save
In the 20th minute Nico Stanciu shot from the free kick. He scored from the similar position last weak in the national team, but unfortunately this time he missed the goal closely.
Two minutes later, active Plavšić centered in front of the gate, Tetteh's header was very dangerous but Hruby saved Jablonec by fantastic save.
The only attempt of the guests in the first half was caused by Trávník. He shot from a long distance, and Nita had to react quickly. It was 0:0 after the first half.
In the second half Sparta spent most of the time in the midfield, but in the 52 th minute Jablonec could have a chance after the counterattack. Radaković tackled well and the action finished by Stanciu’s shot. It was no problem for Hrubý.
In the 67 th minute Sparta had the biggest chance of the match. Pulkrab headed to the crossbar, the ball bounced into Hrubý, but he kept ahead of the goal-line. However, Pulkrab was fouled and after the consultation with videoreferee Královec ordered a penalty.
Stanciu sent the ball into the right side of the goal. But goalkeeper Hrubý succeeded again.
After the missed penalty, the match lost the tempo and Sparta did not make any further chances. Ten minutes before the end Ćivić fired but missed the goal.
There were not any other chances and the match against Jablonec ended with a no goals.
AC Sparta Praha - FK Jablonec 0:0 (0:0)
Goals: YC: Frýdek, Ćivić - Sobol, Hübschman Referee: Královec - Nádvorník, Hájek Spectators: 11,614
Sparta: Nita - Wiesner (78. Vukadinović), Radaković, Štetina, Ćivić - Chipciu, Frýdek, Stanciu, Plavšić (62. Vatajelu) - Pulkrab (75. Šural), Tetteh.
Jablonec: Hrubý - Holeš, Břečka, Lischka, Hanousek - Jovović (46. Kratochvíl, 63. Kubista), Trávník, Hübschman, Považanec, Sobol (82. Chramosta) - Doležal.

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