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Without a point against Teplice

Sparta lost after late goal


Sparta did not get through bad performances of the last days and lost home match 0-1 in the 18th round of the league against Teplice after Moulis goal.
Sparta had to deal with the card absence of Frýdek and Kanga. Florin Nita missed because of illness. In the line-up were Sáček, Wiesner and Štetina.
Sparta had first chance after three minutes. Stanciu cooperated with Tetteh in the box and shot, unfortunately missed the bar. Next chance was on the other side. Vondrášek centered to the Hyčka, his header also crossed over the goal.
In the 16th minute Jeřábek fouled Tetteh near the penalty area. Nico Stanciu kicked a free kick. He got the ball through the wall, but he did not score. Another our chance was in the twentieth minute. Stanciu shot again but this time he was stopped by Grigar.
After half an hour we had a great chance! After the corner a ball got to Costa which was waiting closely to the post. He had not reacted quickly before the goal and did not score. The first half ended without goal. Sparta could go into the lead in the beginning of the second half. Pulkrab headed the centered ball, but missed the target.
In the 59th minute Stanciu sent a ball to the box. The defenders kicked the ball to the corner before Tetteh. We had another chance 20 minutes before the end. Chipciu sent the ball to Pulkrab. His shot was stopped by Grigar’s save. Ten minutes after, Michal Sáček was injured and Josef Šural took his place on the pitch. At that time, young Adam Hložek was already on the field.
The Teplice did not had much chances but in the 83rd minute they went into the lead. Pavel Moulis got through our defense, fired from a sharp angle and got the ball to the net. The Spartans did not reverse the score and lost 0:1 to Teplice.
AC Sparta Prague - FK Teplice 0:1 (0:0)
Goal: 83. Moulis. YC: Plavšić, Stanciu - Jeřábek, Kučera, Vondrášek, Hyčka. Referee: Hrubeš - Moláček, Vlček. Spectators: 6,410.
Sparta: Heča - Wiesner (46. Vácha), Radaković, Štetina, Costa - Chipciu, Stanciu, Sáček (79. Šural), Plavšić - Tetteh, Pulkrab (73. Hložek).
Teplice: Grigar - Vondrášek, Jeřábek, Král, Krob - Hora, Ljevaković, Kučera, Trubač (76. Žitný), Hyčka (69. Moulis) - Jindráček (87. Hošek).

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