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Sparta beat České Budějovice 3-1!

First match in 2019 for us


The first match in 2019 is behind us. We have won the first pre-season game over České Budějovice 3-1. We saw 21 Spartans on the pitch during the game.
Sparta's first big chance was in the 16th minute. Nico Stanciu’s shot found Jindřich Staněk ready, no one was able to get the ball to the net after. Two minutes later, we opened the score. Eldar Ćivić sent pass from the left side and Václav Drchal didn’t give a chance to goalie.
The young forward was active, and could add the second goal after 29 minutes. Staněk was in the right place this time. Nico Stanciu scored fantastic goal in the 33rd minute. He fired from the free kick and Staněk had no chance. The first half ended 2-0 for Sparta.
Sparta almost completely changed the squad for the second half. Just Lukáš Štetina remained on the pitch. In the beginning of the second half České Budějovice controlled the game. Nita stopped Mršić's shot in the 54 minute. Eight minutes later away team got back to the game when Mršić sent the ball through Nita to the goal.
Fifteen minutes before the final whistle České Budějovice could equalize but Matej Mršić sent his free kick up to the goal. It the 82nd minute Vojtěch Patrák scored the last goal of the game. Nothing more happened. Sparta won against České Budějovice in the first pre-season game 3-1.
Sparta in the first half: Heča - Alexandr, Štetina, Lischka, Ćivić - Pavlík, Vácha, Stanciu, Hašek, Plavšić - Drchal.
Sparta in the second half: Nita - Zahustel, Štetina, Costa, Hanousek - Patrák, Frýdek, Sáček, Kanga, Dudl - Hložek.

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