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Win 1-0 over Liberec

Costa decided the match


Sparta won the second match in the championship group. We beat Slovan Liberec 1-0 thanks to Costa's goal from the fifth minute. The victory mean that we won't be worse than third this season.
Coach Michal Horňák sent the same line-up as a week ago against Ostrava to the pitch. Štetina and Tetteh returned after health problems and were ready for substitution during the match. Kanga was suspended due to breach of the club's code.
Sparta quickly won the first big chance when Hanousek was fouled 25 meters from goal. Hložek sent the free kick to the wall, but Frýdek then shot from tehe long distance. Nguyen bounced off the ball. Costa was ready and opened the score just like in Liberec! Sparta took the lead in the fifth minute.
In the twelfth minute it could be better. Karlsson sent a nice technically twisted ball to the goal. Unfortunately, the ball went out of the goal.
Sparta was a better team. Sáček made a space for Hašek. He tried a technical shot next to the post but the ball ended just wide.
Another attempt by Martin Hašek. He got to the ball in the penalty area, prepared it for the shot by left foot and tried it technically. The ball went to the similar place next to the left post as the last time.
Liberec had a great chance to equalize before the break! Hybš, he was alone in the box and the Kozák was free for scoring to the empty goal. But Hybš didn’t sent a good pass and the chance was over.
At the beginning of the second half the Spartans went to the counterattack and renumbered the opponent. Hložek had enough space on the left side tried it in the box. Nguyen bounced off the ball. Karlsson then shot from the long distance and missed the target.
After an hour Eldar Ćivić came to the field and immediately showed up. He held the ball well on the left side and then sent it to the box. Drchal ended from the first tough but the ball went just wide.
No more interesting moments. Sparta beat Liberec 1-0 and secured at least the third place in the final table of the FORTUNA:LIGA.
AC Sparta Praha – FC Slovan Liberec 1-0 (1-0)
Goals: 5. Costa. YC: Ćivić - Malinský, Kozák, Fukala, Dorley, Breite. Referees: Nenadál – Moláček, Podaný. Spectators: 7 267.
Sparta: Heča – Zahustel (85. Chipciu), Radaković, Costa, Hanousek – Hložek, Hašek, Frýdek, Sáček, Karlsson (63. Ćivić) – Drchal (75. Tetteh).
Liberec: Nguyen – Fukala (83. Musa), Kačaraba, Mara, Hybš – Malinský (75. Nešický), Breite, Sýkora (70. Pešek), Oscar, Potočný – Kozák.

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