Ligová fotbalová asociaceChance Liga
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Draw at the end of autumn

0-0 in Ostrava


Sparta tied in the last match of the autumn season at Baník Ostrava pitch 0-0. This means we are fourth in the table.
Coach Vaclav Jilek could not use card punished Krejčí or sick Hašek. He moved Frýdek to the middle of the field and Hanousek introduced himself on the left side. The match started with a minute of silence for the victims of the Tuesday tragic attack at the Ostrava hospital. Players wore black armbands.
Fans saw their first chance in the third minute. Frýdek fought the ball, his shot did not pass, but Kanga got the ball and fired from behind the box. Laštůvka was quick and stopped his attempt.
Two minutes later came another chance. Tetteh and Plavšić tried to catch the ball after cross from the right side, the ball was in front of Laštůvka and Ostrava goalie finally solved the situation.
The first chance came in 21st minute. Plavšić got a long ball from the wing and passed to Tetteh in the box. He sent to Frýdek who fired just above the bar.
In less than half a minute, Kanga pushed to Frýdek, who fired and Laštůvka saved. The home team got a great opportunity in the 39th minute after the corner. Diop headed and it would be a goal, but Tetteh headed the ball from an empty goal.
A moment before the break, there was a huge chance for Hložek after Trávník's pass. Sparta went to quick break, Trávník gave the ball to Hložek, which went from the side. He went through defender and fired, but Laštůvka was ready again and covered his appempt.
Right at the start of the second half, Kuzmanović had a free kick close to the box after foul on Diop. Maybe he was too close and hit the wall instead of our goal.
Another interesting situation came in the 74th minute. Frýdek got to the box after pass from Hanousek, He than found Hložek which fired. Unfortunately missed the goal.
FC Baník Ostrava - AC Sparta Praha 0-0 (0-0)
Goals: . YC: Jirásek, Fleišman, Stronati – Frýdek, Sáček, Kanga. Referees: Zelinka – Paták, Hájek.  Attendance: 13 535.
Baník: Laštůvka – Fillo, Pokorný, Procházka, Stronati, Fleišman – Reiter (79. Baroš), Hrubý, Jirásek, Kuzmanović (75. De Azevedo) – Diop.
Sparta: Heča – Sáček, Mandjeck, Lichka, Hanousek – Hložek, Krejčí, Frýdek, Kanga (90. Juliš), Plavšić (61. Vindheim) – Tetteh (72. Kozák).

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