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Draw in the derby

Slavia equalized in the last seconds


Sparta lost victory in 295th derby in the last seconds. Benjamin Tetteh hit ten minutes before the end, but Musa equalized at the stoppage time. So the final score is 1-1.
Head coach Václav Kotal sent almost the same line-up as in the winning match against Baník with only one change. David Moberg Karlsson stayed in Sweden, where he and his wife are expecting childbirth. Srdjan Plavšić replaced him.
The introduction of the match did not bring any interesting chances. Both teams wanted play without a mistake. However, the game was hard, and we have seen yellow cards for Krejčí and Traore in the first twelve minutes.
In the 13th minute, Sparta had the first chance. After a free kick after a foul on Dočkal, Hložek shot on Kolář. Goalkeeper pushed the ball almost out of the box, from where Tetteh fired but defenders stopped the ball.
Sparta had another chance in the 22nd minute. Frýdek and Dočkal got the ball to Hložek. He fired from the box line and his attempt went just out of the Kolář’s goal.
Slavia had a first chance in the 34th minute. The home team quickly got to the other side of the pitch after our free kich and quite alone Stanciu ended fro an angle. Heča had no problem.
Slavia could take the lead in 38th minute. Masopust got the ball before the box and fired by half-volley under the crossbar. Heča pushed to the corner, no more danger then.
At the end of the half time, Sparta pushed the opponent, but then the home fans fired the pyrotechnics and the whole stadium was covered by smoke. The match had to be interrupted at the stoppage time.
Immediately after the pause, the cross flew to Olayinka's head. He was defended by Štetina and not allowed him to finish.
The home team had a great pressure. After a series of corners, Ševčík fired from a volley and Heča made a spectacular save!
Slavia kept pressure. Stanciu went around Štetina after 57 minutes and fired. But the ball ended next to the goal.
In the 58th minute Sparta fans at the stadium celebrated Tetteh’s goal. However, after few minutes and a consultation with VAR, referee cancelled the goal due to a foul by Tetteh on one of the defenders.
Slavia had another interesting chance. Tecl headed after the cross from the left, Masopust missed the ball in front of the goal and the ball went out.
After 81 minutes, Benji got the ball to the net again and VAR had no chance to cancel the goal this time! Fantastic ball by Dočkal, Tetteh then got through the defence and sent an uncatchable ball under the crossbar.
Home team wanted to equalize. In the 90th minute Musa headed in front of Heča but the ball went wide.
But Slavia really equalized. Musa headed in the box in the last seconds of the stoppage time.
SK Slavia Praha - AC Sparta Praha 1-1 (0-0)
Goals: 90.+3 Musa - 81. Tetteh. YC: Traore, Olayinka – Krejčí, Štetina, Dočkal. Referees: Franěk – Vlasjuk, Kříž. Attendance: 19 376.
Slavia: Kolář – Coufal, Takács, Kúdela, Bořil – Traoré, Ševčík, Masopust (82. Hellebrand), Stanciu (82. Jusúf), Olayinka – Tecl (71. Musa).
Sparta: Heča – Vindheim, Štetina, Hancko, Frýdek – Plavšić (76. Hanousek), Sáček, Dočkal, Krejčí (53. Mandjeck), Hložek – Tetteh (86. Kozák).

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