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Three points from Boleslav

Sparta won over Mladá Boleslav 3:0


Sparta travelled to Mladá Boleslav to play the 26th round of the Czech league. The home team was at 8th place in the league table before this match while fighting for the spot in the top 6 before the end of the regular part of the season. Sparta won the first game between these clubs this season at the home stadium 1-0. Spartans went into the lead in this match when Čvančara scored after a great pass from Haraslín. Vitík added a second goal for his team after the corner.  LK37 finalized the score by a successful header in the additional time of the second half. Sparta extended its winning streak against Mladá Boleslav for five games.
Sparta’s coach Pavel Vrba made two changes in the starting eleven in comparison to the last game against Pardubice. Karabec and Pešek were replaced by Dočkal and Haraslín. Juliš, Pulkrab, Čelůstka, Panák, and Pavelka were not available for this match due to health problems.
None of the teams wanted to make a mistake in the first ten minutes of the game. The match was played mainly in between the penalty areas without any bigger opportunities.
Lukáš Haraslín sent a great long pass to Čvančara in the 15th minute. He appeared alone in front of Šeda and easily scored, 0-1.
Sparta had another good opportunity ten minutes later and the home goalkeeper had to hit it to the corner. Dočkal used this standard situation and found Vitík in the penalty area. He did not give any chance to Šeda, 0-2.
We did not see any other interesting moments in the first half that finished 0-2.
Mužík went through one defender and created space for a shot in the 49th minute, however, Heča was ready for his attempt.
Wiesner hit the post and the crossbar a few seconds later too. Minčev tried to score after him, but he failed as well. These were huge chances for scoring in the 53rd minute.
Sladký with a dangerous shot in the 68th minute. Sparta’s goalkeeper boxed it and made another save right after it.
Boleslav performed a nice counterattack in the 72nd minute. The home team even scored but this goal did not count due to the offside position.
Horský with a lovely individual action in the 76th minute, however, Heča was against it.
Dočkal sent a long pass to Hancko from the corner kick a few minutes later. His header was hit by LK37 then, but he did not aim the ball on the target.
Boleslav tried to dramatize the match. Their effort in the 79th minute was stopped by Heča who boxed it to the corner.
The score changed one more time in the additional time. Casper Højer passed a ball directly to LK37’s head from the corner kick, he jumped in the air and finalized the score. Sparta won 3-0.
FK Mladá Boleslav – AC Sparta Prague 0-3 (0-2)
Goals: 15. Čvančara, 25. Vitík, 90+3 LK37. Yellow cards: Sladký, Horský – LK37. Referees: Hocek – Caletka, Hájek.
FK Mladá Boleslav: Šeda – Sladký, Suchý, Preisler, Rolinek – Smrž (46. Mužík), Dancák – Skalák (63. Horský), Matějovský, Ewerton – Ladra (72. Hlavatý).
AC Sparta Prague: Heča – Wiesner, Vitík, Hancko, Højer – Haraslín (71. Pešek), Sáček (89. Souček), Dočkal (82. Karabec), LK37, Hložek – Čvančara (46. Minčev).

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