Ligová fotbalová asociaceChance Liga

Notice of Unauthorized Ticket Sales

Do not buy tickets for Sparta matches out of the official channels!


We strongly advise fans not to purchase tickets for Sparta matches through unofficial channels. Such channels may be fraudulent, counterfeit, or involve unauthorized sales at prices that are not set by the club. We recommend that you purchase tickets exclusively through the official ACS distribution channel.
Ticket scalping is strictly prohibited. The club monitors such unfair sales and will take legal action against them. By purchasing tickets through a mediator or reseller, you risk invalidating your ticket.
The only official ticket distribution channel is the Enigoo portal. No other form of ticket sales is official, and the club does not guarantee them. Potential buyers are at high risk of being deceived.
We also strongly emphasize that there are no ticket reservations. You must come to the stadium with a ticket; there is no exchange of reservations for tickets directly at the stadium.


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