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In the MOL Cup quarter-finals

Sparta won 1-0 over Baník Ostrava


Sparta is in the MOL Cup quarter-finals. We won 1-0 over Baník Ostrava at Letná. Dávid Hancko decided the match in the 89th minute.
Adam Hložek was injured almost 5 months. He started in the line-up for the first time since October 3. Milan Heča or Matěj Hanousek were in the starting eleven.
Baník had the first chance in the 13th minute. Kaloč got through the Sparta defenders and his shot was neutralized by Heča.
In the 19th minute, Zajíc won the header passed to Kaloč and he fired. Tetour changed the direction of the ball but Heča was ready. Shortly afterwards, Pavelka fired on the other side from a distance, Laštůvka stopped his shot.
After 22 minutes, Jánoš fired out of the box, Heča saved the ball. Four minutes later, Dočkal played a free kick and found LK37. Unfortunately, he did not reach the ball.
In the 33rd minute, Wiesner fired and his blocked shot ended in the net. Unfortunately, it was a side net. So, still 0-0.
Three minutes later, Hložek fantastically got over three players into the Baník box. Unfortunately, one of the defenders stopped him. No more happened and the first half ended without goals.
In the 66th minute, Sáček replaced Kozák and Adam Hložek played as a striker. A few seconds later, Adam got through two players and chopped the ball face to face Laštůvka. However, the Ostrava goalkeeper stopped the shot.
Sparta was clearly a more active team in the following minutes. But there were no chances. In the 88th minute Kaloč fouled LK37 Krejčí in the box. The referee ordered a penalty and sent Kaloč off after the second yellow card.
Dávid Hancko sent the ball to the left down corner. Laštůvka went to the right direction, but the shot was so fast and well-aimed that he didn't have a chance.
At the added time, Stronati got the ball into the net, but there was an ofside and foul before it. No more happened and Sparta defeated Baník 1-0 and moved to the MOL Cup quarter-finals.
AC Sparta Praha – FC Baník Ostrava 1:0 (0:0)
Goals: 89. Hancko (pen.). YC: Plavšić, Heča – Fleišman, Kaloč. RC: 88. Kaloč. Referees: Julínek – Hrabovský, Podaný.
Sparta: Heča – Wiesner, Čelůstka, Hancko, Hanousek – Plavšić, Pavelka (87. Trávník), LK37, Dočkal (75. Karabec), Hložek – Kozák (66. Sáček).
Baník: Laštůvka – Sanneh, Svozil, Stronati, Fleišman – Ndefe (84. Juroška), Jánoš, Tetour, Kaloč, De Azevedo (80. Holzer) – Zajíc (66. Šašinka).

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