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Sparta advanced to the quarterfinals in the MOL Cup

Spartans won over Teplice 2:0


Sparta travelled to Teplice in the round of 16 of the MOL Cup. Teplice has not had a great season so far while occupying the penultimate place in the league table. Spartans eliminated the second league team Líšeň on its pitch in the previous round and Teplice advanced through Třinec, also the team from the second-highest league. The match was harshly influenced by the 19th minute, when Minčev was alone heading to the goalkeeper and was stopped by a home defender who got a red card. Karlsson scored from the following penalty kick. Dočkal added the second goal with a nice shot.
Sparta's coach Pavel Vrba did not nominate seven, the busiest, players. Therefore, Nita, Wiesner, Panák, Čelůstka, Hancko, Pešek and Hložek did not travel to Teplice with the team. Goalkeeper Dominik Holec got the first chance this season. There were also some players on the squad who usually play for B-team: Gabriel, Vitík, Suchomel, and Ryneš.
Both teams were careful at the beginning of the match. The game was played mostly in the middle parts of the pitch. That changed in the 19th minute when Minčev went alone to Grigar and was fouled by Švanda from behind. Teplice's player saw a red card and Sparta got a penalty kick. Karlsson safely scored, 1-0 for Sparta.
Minčev shot after the corner. Grigar with an important save in the 30th minute.
Karabec tried to score in the 37th minute by a shot from inside the penalty area. However, it did not go inside the goal and Pulkrab touched it. Grigar tackled the ball, and it went again to Karabec. He tried his luck again, but the home goalkeeper was against it.
Pulkrab passed to Štetina after the corner, who was on the penalty area line. He found Dočkal. He scored with a nice shot from outside the penalty area. Sparta went into a lead 2-0.
Teplice wanted to come back in a match. A bigger chance came in the 42nd minute, however, it did not cause a lot of trouble for Holec. It was the last important moment in the first half.
Sparta showed a nice combination in the 55th minute. Sáček played under himself and passed to Karabec. His shot did not go on target.
Another dangerous moment for Sparta came 10 minutes later when Dočkal shot from behind the penalty area, but his attempt missed the right post.
The second half did not bring many chances and the play was mostly performed outside of dangerous zones.
Nothing else happened in this match and Sparta advanced to the next round in the MOL Cup.
FK Teplice – AC Sparta Prague 0-2 (0-2)
Goals: 19. Karlsson. (pen.), 39. Dočkal. Red card: 18. Švanda (TEP). Yellow card: Sáček. Referees: Franěk – Ratajová, Vodrážka.
FK Teplice :  Grigar – Švanda, Knapík, Chlumecký, Vondrášek (56. Hasil), Jukl, Bulmaga (26. Hyčka), Mareček (69. Krunert), Kodad (56. Moulis), Černý, Succar (70. Rezek).
AC Sparta Praha: Holec – Gabriel, Vitík, Štetina, Polidar (46. Vindheim) – Minčev (84. Ryneš), Dočkal, Sáček, Karabec, Karlsson (72. Haraslín) – Pulkrab (71. Drchal).

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